Training sessions for Firefighters from Cartagena
Training sessions for Firefighters from Cartagena The Firefighting Service of the Cartagena City Council sent 27 aspiring students of the Fire Brigade, along with four teachers from the city, to visit the Naftrán S.A.U. facilities, so that they could find out, through practical training, about how the different liquefied natural gas tanks work and operate […]
Naftrán obtains the ISO 50001
We obtain the ISO 50001 thanks to the Management System that we have set up to improve energy efficiency and consumption. The ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard. It applies to organisations of any size and it stipulates the requirements to establish, manage and improve their energy efficiency and consumption. This standard is upheld […]
LNG transportation
Leaders in the transportation of LNG Naftrán, at the forefront of the LNG (liquefied natural gas) supply sector. The leader in the number of unloading operations in Spain with 28% of the market share. A global company. Operating in the most important LNG terminals of the peninsula; Barcelona, Sagunto, Cartagena, Huelva, Sines, Mugardos, etc., which […]