Training sessions for Firefighters from Cartagena
The Firefighting Service of the Cartagena City Council sent 27 aspiring students of the Fire Brigade, along with four teachers from the city, to visit the Naftrán S.A.U. facilities, so that they could find out, through practical training, about how the different liquefied natural gas tanks work and operate and about the different parts-pieces that they are made up of.
During the visit the firefighters had the opportunity to learn from the experts’ first-hand what to do in an emergency if there is ever an accident that involves these tanks.
The visit was considered to be a success by both parties because the firefighters from Cartagena were able to find out about everything related to these LGN units and Naftrán could demonstrate its commitment to safety just as it did on 14th October 2021 with the visit from the Consortium of Firefighting and Rescue of the Region of Murcia (CEIS).